Retaining Walls for Landscaped Areas
Category: Retaining Wall
November 30, 2022
Have you been having issues with a part of your lawn eroding away? If so, then you could seriously benefit from having a retaining wall, or several, installed. Retaining walls can prevent erosion, but they don’t have to do so at the expense of your lawn’s look. Retaining walls can be constructed using a variety […]
Adding a Beautiful Walkway to Your Home
Category: Walkways
October 24, 2022
A nice walkway can truly help your home and lawn standout, and can add a great deal of beauty and elegance. At North American Deck & Patio, we’ve added many walkways to properties across the great state of Maryland, and wanted to talk about some different design ideas to help you add a beautiful walkway […]
Creating a Deck and Patio Combination
Category: Decks,Patios
August 8, 2022
A great way to get the most out of a backyard is often accomplished by building or renovating both a patio and a deck. Patio and deck combinations allow you to fully maximize their use of your outdoor living space. But seamlessly combining these two outdoor living spaces can sometimes be challenging. If you want […]