Do I Need to Repair or Replace My Deck?
Category: Decks
February 27, 2020
With spring and warmer temperatures on the way in Maryland, you may be starting to think about your home’s outdoor living spaces. Late winter and early spring are great times to plan to landscape, begin outdoor projects, and do repairs on your deck. But how do you know if your deck is repairable, or if […]
Sagging Wood On Your Deck? Here’s What You Need to Do
Category: Decks
October 9, 2019
Over time some wooden decks start to sag, and this is a major problem. A sagging deck is an unsafe deck and is something that you need to take care of immediately. There are a variety of reasons why decks sag, and there are a couple of things you can do. As an experienced Maryland […]
The Most Common Deck Repairs for the Summer
Category: Decks
July 31, 2019
Summer is the season when a deck is at it’s peak level of usefulness. There’s nothing better than having a summer barbecue with friends and family. But before you can have fun on your deck, there’s a little bit of work that needs to be done. If you want to keep your deck in the […]
Cracks in Your Deck? You Can Fix Them!
Category: Decks
July 24, 2019
Finding cracks in your deck should not be a moment of indescribable panic. In fact, these are quite common. Because of the constant exposure decks face to moisture, heat, and all sorts of accompanying weather, wooden decks are known to incur small cracks. Not only can you relax instead of panic, but you can also […]
When Should You Refinish Your Deck?
Category: Decks
February 19, 2019
Whether your deck is fairly new or it is nearing the end of its lifespan you can give it a face-lift by refinishing it. Maybe you want to update the look of your deck by adding a fresh stain or coat of paint. Or maybe your deck has a few areas of damage or wear […]
Should You Repair or Replace Your Deck?
Category: Decks
November 8, 2018
If your deck has seen better days, you may be wondering if a full replacement is called for, or if you can get away with some simple repairs. There are some deck issues that definitely warrant a full replacement, but how can you tell what is a serious problem and what is a simple fix? […]